“Chakra Balancing” with Crystal Workshop
£44 (Pre-registration required)
Friday 23rd February – 6.30 pm 9.30 pm
Gravesend DA11
This “Chakra Balancing” with Crystal Workshop focuses on opening, clearing, balancing, and recharging your 7 major chakras of the body. Chakras are organizing centers for the reception, assimilation and transmission of life energies. They are vortexes of energy (sometimes pictured as flowers with petals) starting from your tail bone, and ending at the crown of your head.
The Chakras are the Master programs, they are the focal points of your life force and their individual states are vital to your holistic well-being. When the chakras are balanced the positive flow of energy encourages spiritual opening, peace of mind, clear thinking, expression of the true self, open to receiving and giving love, confidence in self, joy, courage and over all vitality and physical wellness.
And today, more and more people are realizing that the ancient science of Chakra Healing holds the key to virtually everything you’ve ever wanted in life.
In this workshop specifically chosen set of Crystals will be used together to create the conditions to opening, clearing, balancing, and recharging your 7 major chakra. The crystals do not work independently, but are charged to react and work together.
The “Chakra Balancing” with Crystal Workshop will be enhanced with a guided meditation and Tibetan bowls.
Class is limited, preregister to hold your spot.
Book a place on “Chakra Balancing” with Crystal Workshop in Kent