
Diana“Grazie infinite Iggy per la classe di 1 livello e tutto il tempo che mi hai donato . Veramente grata . Per quelli di voi che sono sul cammino verso il vero “sé” e alla ricerca di qualcuno con cui camminare, qualcuno che ti mostri quanto sei importante e che ti tenga la mano in caso di necessità , Iggy è esattamente quello che stai cercando. Insieme ad un calore ed un gusto tutto italiano ☀ “

IMG_0941“Ho passato l’anno scorso in visita in Ecuador quindi Perù poi in Europa, per sperimentare la guarigione Ayahuasca, San Pedro e Sapo , e all’inizio di quest’anno ho trascorso del tempo in Sud Africa per un tour su siti sacri, ancora alla ricerca .. e come risultato di questo sono stata presentata a Iggy, e chiacchierando abbiamo parlato di Reiki, il concetto e i suoi benefici, non solo per me, ma gli amici e la famiglia .. (animali e piante :), mi è stato spiegato in modo bello e ho sentito una connessione con quello che ho sentito, sono subito entrata in risonanza con quello che ho sentito, e cosi ho deciso di partecipare al successivo seminario tenuto da Iggy  all’ Osho Leela in Dorset, UK.
Ho frequentato il corso in Maggio solo poche settimane dopo che abbiamo parlato, era molto illuminante e informativo, l’energia era incredibile, ma allo stesso tempo tutto era molto tranquillo, ogni passo è stato pazientemente dimostrato e spiegato, le iniziazioni erano una meravigliosa esperienza .. (Iggy è molto calmo, gentile e paziente) abbiamo fatto un sacco di lavoro pratico, ho sentito molti benefici per me emotivamente e fisicamente durante il corso, in più mi è stato dato questo incredibile strumento per lavorare su me stessa e gli altri. Ho fatto la mia pratica di Reiki quotidianamente, e le persone hanno effettivamente commentato su quanto incredibile la mia energia e la mia vibrazione fosse; mi hanno anche detto di sentire la mia energia solo essendo intorno a me .. e non sento alcun bisogno di tornare  nella giungla.. Fatevi un favore e abbracciate questo meraviglioso dono che tutti abbiamo dentro di noi .. “
Grazie Iggy Con infinita gratitudine e amore.

pp“Ero alla ricerca di alcune risposte e al momento giusto, mi capita di incontrare il Maestro Iggy che ben presto mi invita ad un suo Reiki share . E ‘ stata l’esperienza più tranquilla e rilassante che abbia mai avuto. Maestro Iggy ha generosamente donato il suo tempo e pazientemente spiegato il Reiki e varie tecniche di Meditazione in più occasioni. Mi ha introdotto al London College of Meditation , il sito ha una ricchezza di saperi e di eccellenti risorse per Reiki e Meditazione e mi ha aiutato molto. Mi considero fortunato di aver incontrato il Maestro Iggy, è stata una di quelle esperienze che cambiano la vita e lo raccomando vivamente per il Reiki e la Meditazione . Partecipa ad uno dei suoi incontri di condivisione di Reiki o corsi per averne l’esperienza! “

“My Reiki sessions with Iggy are beneficial in a way that I will try and explain to you.  Some people need to exercise, drink, or may need that weekly massage for instance.  My Reiki sessions with Iggy are an inner massage for my heart, soul, and my mind.  He has helped me release festered pent up frustration, pain and emotional disdain.  In these sessions I sometimes become overwhelmed with emotion that I can not control.  His compassion, energy, and professionalism have not only a benefit to me but to others around me.”
Gloria M.

“I started seeing Iggy over a year ago. I was looking for help in dealing with anxiety and stress. I had read about Reiki but was hesitant to try it. I realized that I had nothing to lose by going to a session. I was nervous at first and unsure of the outcome. Iggy put me at ease. After my first session, I felt that a huge weight had been lifted off of me. I felt hopeful. I felt this sense of calm come over me. I knew that I had made the right choice. I made an appointment for another session. I now go every 3-4 weeks. I am amazed how I feel after each session. I feel so much lighter. I feel that my anxiety level has decrease. I am learning so much about myself. Reiki has changed the way I deal with negative situations and people in my life.”

“I was actually going to email you today to say that this course was, I think, an important moment in my life! I really feel that the principles and approaches of mindfulness are starting to come together for me and that they offer me a real opportunity to embrace life for what it is and live it to its full potential (what ever that maybe)…”
Britney Mann
“I think the challenge with mindfulness and meditation is that is often wrapped up in Buddhist or other eastern traditions which can be inaccessible to the Western mind. I think that you do a brilliant job in translating them…”
W. Q

After a few sessions I would ask Iggy questions about Reiki and the things that I was experiencing during my sessions. Iggy would listen to my questions. I never feel rushed when I talk with him. He encouraged me to learn more about Reiki.
M. Collighan

Iggy is a knowledgeable and compassionate teacher. He creates an environment where people feel comfortable to ask questions and to share their thoughts. Also, at the end of each class there is time to practice. I feel that’s the most informative part of the class.”

“I feel confident, and the most happy I have ever been.  I have suffered from depression my entire life.  Many times I have felt so alone, so sad that I just didn’t want to leave my house or go any where.  ( I am on Vitamin D supplements and that helped a lot to improve my mood) But REIKI has been something that is very good for me, happiness is something that has truly evaded me for a long time, even in the face of what would seem to be “great successes” I was unable to allow myself to feel “good enough” to appreciate these accomplishments. . . I just feel so joyful”!!! Ha, what a great thing! How could I keep that to myself.  Spread the joy, spread the love, heal the world with REIKI!!!”
Jeanne Z.

“Sound and chanting are Iggy Special tools of healing for those who open up their minds to its extraordinary touch, even if you don’t understand its purpose it will help you learn, heal and grow.  A true life changing event for me.”
Otto S.

“I was skeptical at first and hesitant to spend the money. Iggy’s wealth of knowledge, enthusiasm, and genuine care made the Crystal healing session a powerful experience for me.  It gave me a relief from sinus pressure, a persistent cough, and a nagging lack of energy.
I no longer came home from work exhausted with a tension headache!  Energy seemed to radiate throughout my being, allowing me to be more productive and happier.”

“During my Sound therapy sessions with Iggy I have experienced many sensations of stress reduction. After a session with him I feel “lighter”, more centered with myself and stronger to tackle life’s on-coming situations. I also feel energized and reaffirmed that I’m exactly where I should be spiritually.”

“I was feeling run down and stressed. My job causes me to have a lot of anxiety. I was looking for a way to calm and center myself. I had been researching Reiki for a while. In January I finally had the courage to try it. My session with Iggy was amazing. He made me feel at ease. After my session I felt so revived. I felt lighter and renewed. Now I look forward to my sessions. I would recommend this to anyone. Even if you aren’t sure just give it a try, you have nothing to lose. My only complaint is that I can’t go everyday.”
Kim G.

“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You have given me the strength to embrace life and I’m looking forward to it. Keep up the good work!…”
Vanessa D.

“This course has started a journey of meditation for me. I feel extremely grateful and happy for having attended the course. I will be back again!…”

“Very structured programme; very clear instructions each week; excellent advice from Iggy;
great course…”

“Knowledge of teacher is excellent and I was very satisfied and will recommend to others…”
Maggie Endu